UMHS is committed to serving our mission and supporting our children and families with early childhood care and education, nutrition services, and community-centered programs across eastern Oregon. This remains our focus during this time of transition with the federal administration and any impacts to federal funding. While this may bring uncertainty as it is an evolving situation, our focus is to remain open, accessible, and serving our communities. We do not anticipate any immediate disruptions to our daily operations. As a reminder, UMHS has diversified funding sources including local, state, and regional that support our various programs. Our senior leadership team is in close communication with our community partners across the state and nationally. We are staying up to date on any emerging developments and will keep you informed as we learn more. Regarding any other or related issues or matters, please direct your inquiry to our Main Office at 541-564-6878.
23 days ago, Eric Huesca
Oregon Employer’s Child Care Toolkit Supporting Working Parents, Strengthening Your Business Finding affordable, quality child care is a major challenge for working parents. This toolkit offers employers practical, effective solutions that help your team stay productive and loyal while navigating the child care landscape.
29 days ago, Jennifer Hook
¡Está invitado a participar en el Estudio de Precios de Mercado y Oferta de 2024! ¡Usted representa el cuidado infantil en Oregon! El Estudio de precios de mercado y oferta (MPSS, por sus siglas en inglés) de Oregon se centra en recopilar información sobre el precio y la oferta de cuidado infantil en Oregon. Para participar en este estudio se le pide que verifique las tarifas y la capacidad de su programa. ¡Asegúrese de que las familias tengan acceso equitativo al cuidado infantil y ayude a los líderes estatales y nacionales a comprender cómo funciona el cuidado infantil en Oregon!
5 months ago, Jennifer Hook
MPS sp2
2024 Market Price & Supply Study What is the Market Price & Supply Study? The Oregon Market Price & Supply Study (MPSS) focuses on collecting information about the price and supply of child care in Oregon. To participate in this study you are being asked to verify your program rates and capacity. You are invited to participate in the 2024 Market Price & Supply Study! You represent child care in Oregon! Ensure families have equal access to child care and help state and national leaders understand how child care works in Oregon!
5 months ago, Jennifer Hook
MPS 2024
Focused Child Care Networks Focused Child Care Networks are uniquely positioned to provide support and guidance via a relationship-based approach to adult learning. For more information, please contact: Roxann Malmberg: 541.371.4162, email: (Umatilla/Morrow Counties) Rayanna Van Dine: 541.910.4390, email: (Union County)
5 months ago, Jennifer Hook
Child Care Resource & Referral would like to express our appreciation for the ongoing support from the La Grande, Oregon chapter of SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL. We appreciate your ongoing funding to help us provide new book to early learners in Union County. Thank you!
12 months ago, Jennifer Hook
Child Care Resource & Referral would like to express our appreciation for the ongoing support from the La Grande, Oregon chapter of SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL.  We appreciate your ongoing funding to help us provide new book to early learners in Union County. Thank you!
We are looking for a Child Care Resource & Referral Consultant! If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, check out the careers page on our website!
over 1 year ago, alexa Kestler
Hiring Flyer
We are excited to announce that child care providers now have the support of substitutes through the Child Care Substitutes of Oregon! For more information, check out these flyers!
over 1 year ago, alexa Kestler
Child care Substitutes of Oregon Flyer English
Child care Substitutes of Oregon Flyer Spanish
Check out these flyers to find out information on how you can start receiving child care and cash assistance at the same time!
over 1 year ago, alexa Kestler
Benefits and child care updates
Benefits and child care updates
We are now offering all of our trainings for free!
over 1 year ago, alexa Kestler
Free Trainings Flyer
Looking for books, activities, or education materials for pre-K children? Our Child Care Resource & Referral program has a lending library where you can check out these items. Check out their inventory at
about 3 years ago, Umatilla-Morrow Head Start, Inc.
Child Care Resource & Referral Lending Library
February is American Heart Month. This is a great time to focus on cardiovascular health for you and your family. The American Heart Association has some great tips on children's healthy eating and recipes.
about 3 years ago, Umatilla-Morrow Head Start, Inc.
American Heart Month February 2022