ODHS Child Care
Providers who are interested in providing employment-related day care or license-exempt child care need to register for a ODHS provider orientation, which consist of 2 parts.
ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation
Welcome to the ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation, Part 1. This orientation is one of two required trainings that will let you know what is required of you to become an Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) License Exempt Child Care Provider.
CKC: 2 hours in Program Management.
Part 2 is in-person or via Zoom and will need to be scheduled.
Call Brenda to schedule at (541)314-5148.
DHS Provider Listing
This form must be completed and submitted by providers that want to be paid by ODHS to provide child care for ODHS clients. Please note the effective date for ODHS payment cannot be earlier than the date you complete the listing process and are approved by ODHS.
ODHS Child Care Provider Types
These providers are exempt from being licensed with the Early Learning Divisions (ELD), Office of Child Care (OCC)
License Exempt Relative: Standard Family (FAM)
Provider is related * to all children in their care
Complete a ODHS Child Care Provider Listing form (DHS 7494)
Provider and all household members 16 years and older must pass a criminal background and CPS check.
Meet all ODHS Health and Safety and Provider Requirements.
Complete Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety Training and ODHS Orientation Part 1 and 2 within 90 days of being approved.
License Exempt Non-Relative: Standard Family (FAM)
Provider is not related * to a child in their care. Note additional requirements.
Complete the Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety Training, CPR/First Aid, Recognizing and Reporting Child Care Abuse and Neglect prior to submitting listing form.
Complete a ODHS Child Care Provider Listing form (DHS 7494)
Provider and all household members 16 years and older must pass a criminal background and CPS check.
Pass a Health and Safety Monitoring Visit, meet both ODHS and OCC Health and Safety and Provider Requirements.
Complete the ODHS Orientation Part 1 and 2 within 90 days of being approved.
Pass annual Health and Safety Monitoring Visit.
Complete 6 hours of additional training every two years.
Enhanced License: Exempt Family (QFM)
Providers that are exempt from licensing and have met their respective requirements above. Can receive a higher rate of pay on behalf of the DHS family, by completing these additional requirements:
Complete and pass the Food Handlers test
Register with the Oregon Registry. (The Oregon Registry is through Portland State University, Oregon Center of Career Development (OCCD)
Complete 8 additional hours of training every two years.
*Related or relative is defined as great grandparent, grandparent, aunt/uncle or sibling (living outside the home) established by blood, adoption or marriage.